
Tuesday, 29 August 2017

A book with real life characters

A book with real life characters
One beautiful day, a book lying beside the glittering water fountain.Days passed no one had thought of picking it up. leaves blowing there and here, trees swaying to and from all of a sudden “WHOOSH WHOOSH!!!. The wind had got even stronger, Again out of nowhere, uninvited flipped open the book. A spark of light and smoke grew bigger, “BOOM”. Standing there was a blonded, short girl.
“Where am I” weeped the girl. She stood up and searched everywhere for the book, “oh I can’t find the book”. With crossed arms “I can’t go home now”. Suddenly a quiet, soft voice spoke “what’s wrong” “I lost my book” replied the girl”. “Oh don’t worry I will help you find you book”, “but I already tried” answered the girl. Again the quiet voice spoke “ come sleep at my house and tomorrow morning we will search for it” “ok” scarcely replied the girl.
The next sunshine morning they went looking for the lost book, they searched nearly everywhere but one place they did not look, it was the fountain. As they were walking towards the fountain the quiet voice asked and asked a group of sentences of questions each time the girl replied.
I need to work on the more yellow and green sentence  


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