
Monday, 7 August 2017

Himene- new maori song


Today Mrs Maud taught us a new maori song, It was difficult because when it got to the end it was a bit faster. I really enjoyed learning new songs and it was a little bit easy because we can look at the lyrics because each of us got our own paper that has the lyrics on it, the cool part that I really enjoyed was when the girls had to do the high part and the boys had to do the low part it was really cool and it also sounded really nice together.


Anonymous said...

Aloha mai e Saimua,
I'm glad you had fun during this lesson with Ms Maude. I had fun too, we had a lot of laughs with our class and I can't wait until she comes next week Tuesday. Himene in english is hymn, so himene is and maori word for hymn. Are you excited to learn a karakia (Prayer) next week when Ms Maude comes again ?

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